
After containerization boom started, people realized that scheduling it is not as easy as it should be. That’s why I have interest in mesos, docker swarm, rancher, nomad and k8s. There’s a need for a system that will take care of correct scheduling, priorities, eviction, logs, simple cluster scaling, upgrades, deployment methods, permissions and so on… My first experience with prod grade k8s cluster was during time I worked for Spreaker/Voxnest. When I joined we had 1.4 and throughout the years it was updated to 1.12 (AFAIR). I’ve learned a lot, our relation (mine and k8s :D) had ups and downs but I was mostly satisfied and amazed by it.

Kubernetes is cool technology, really complex but have long list of benefits! I don’t want to get into details of why I think it’s superior technology to run containers today but just to name few generic ones:

  • it has massive adoption in big tech companies
  • a lot of development is going on, and I mean a lot
  • big and helpful community
  • enormous ecosystem

Or let github stars tell you the truth ;)

  1. kubernetes >57k
  2. rancher >12k
  3. nomad >5k
  4. docker swarm >5k
  5. mesos >4k

Bill! How low can you go!?

Important note!
You should be aware that spot instances can be terminated anytime. For example when it’s pricing will go beyond what you expected or when there are insufficient resources for Reserved Instances/On Demand instances in Region/AZ.
If no downtime is required then spot instances must not be used. Period.

Workable minimum - 2.9$

resource type hourly cost monthly cost notes
EC2 t3.micro 0.0031$ 2.31$ k8s master
EBS 4GB magnetic   0.2$ etcd-events and etcd-main
EBS 8GB magnetic   0.4$ volumes attached to k8s master and node
S3       kops files, pricing is negligible
      2.9$ Sum


Instance type

From my experiments that I’ve done, smallest instance capable of running k8s is micro. t2 family is more expensive and has lower performance than t3 so t3.micro is obvious choice.

Scheduling on kubernetes master

As we picked cheapest instance type to run k8s now it’s time to limit nodes. Who needs computation nodes? k8s master node is enough ;)
It’s important to understand that scheduling pods or deployments won’t work on k8s master out of the box. This is reasonable, you don’t want to overwhelm master node with your tasks. That’s how cluster troubles start and they can be really difficult to investigate.

To override it and schedule stuff on k8s master we have two options:

  • remove taint node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule from k8s master node
kubectl taint node  node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule-
  • adding toleration to pod/deployment/daemonset etc
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    name: grafana
    replicas: 1
        - image: grafana/grafana:6.3.4
          name: grafana
        - effect: NoSchedule
            key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master

I have removed almost everything beside tolerations. I hope it’s readable and understandable.



My private cluster is using 1GB of etcd EBS volumes, where I have ~35 pods scheduled. Giving 2GB volume per etcd, will give such a small cluster room to growth. Remember increasing EBS volumes is easy peasy on AWS while trimming volumes is not that quick

Root volume

8GB is not much but it’s a good starting point.


I’m using kops to spin up/modify/update cluster. It uploads cluster configuration to S3 and use it during bootstrapping, my cluster has 408KB of configuration in ~800 files.
That’s why I think it’s easier to round it up to 0 than calculate preceisly how many cents it costs.

Cluster with computing node and sane EBS defaults

resource type hourly cost monthly cost notes
EC2 t3.micro 0.0031$ 2.31$ k8s master
EC2 m3.medium 0.0067$ 4.82$ k8s node
EBS 40GB magnetic   2$ etcd-events and etcd-main
EBS 32GB magnetic   1.6$ volumes attached to k8s master and node
S3       kops files, pricing is negligible
      10.13$ Sum


Instance type

Looking at spot instances I’ve noticed that best quality/price ratio has m3.medium. It’s 0.0067$/h with 1vCPU and 3.75GB of RAM, it also has 4GB of instance store! It’s spot price has been rock steady in past months.
Other instance types:

  • t3.medium - 0.0125$/h
  • t2.medium - 0.0139$/h
  • c1.medium - 0.013$/h
  • m3.large - 0.03$/h
  • t3.large - 0.025$/h

m3.medium rocks!

Scheduling on kubernetes master

Removing taints and adding tolerations is not necessery now. Let’s leave master as it is and schedule only on k8s node



Default volumes for etcd in kops is 20GB each. I’d say it’s safe to do it and EBS storage is cheap! Especially magnetic!

Root volume

16GB is still not much but it will be fine for most small clusters.

Cluster with world facing services

Because I also want to have world facing services services I add ALB and Route53 resources

resource type hourly cost monthly cost notes
EC2 t3.micro 0.0031$ 2.31$ k8s master
EC2 m3.medium 0.0067$ 4.82$ k8s node
EBS 40GB magnetic   2$ etcd-events and etcd-main
EBS 32GB magnetic   1.6$ volumes attached to k8s master and node
S3       kops files, pricing is negligible
ALB N/A 0.0305$ 21.96$ For low usage ALB. Pricing is also per LCU, keep that in mind
Route53     1$ Hosted Zone
      33.09 Sum


I use AWS ALB Ingress Controller. You can use it for your application to expose it through ALB via ingress resource.
Kubernetes service has publishing options like:

  • ClusterIP - expose service via internal IP
  • NodePort - expose service on static port
  • LoadBalancer - provisions new LB for every service

So why ingress with ALB is good?

  • one ALB can route to multiple applications thus reducing cost of running multiple CLB or ALB
  • ALB is giving you healthchecks, loadbalancing and some DDOS protection
  • ACM certificate - you get certificate right off the bat if you have domain registered in AWS
  • exposing services automatically can speed up time to market

Here’s example:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/security-groups: sg-43a43608
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/successCodes: 200,404
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/subnets: subnet-5c293c63,subnet-ffe05bb5,subnet-0179f40e
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/healthcheck-path: /
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:12345678:certificate/33fdec26-835c-41ce-ba72-4250487aef28
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80,"HTTPS": 443}]'
  name: generic
  namespace: default
    - host: grafana.example.com
          - backend:
              serviceName: grafana
              servicePort: 3001


It’s needed if you want your cluster to have fully qualified domain name instead of .local. It doesn’t make sense to have ALB and manually pointing DNS records of your services to it.


Kubernetes is great piece of technology. To get a taste of it, it’s best to deploy it and play with it, work with it. I think spending 30$ a month for fully functional cluster is a bargain (at least if your spot instances were never terminated like mine!). In comparison you need to pay ~150$/month for EKS cluster and you need to pay for EC2 and EBS resources also. Definitely it’s not the cheapest way but it outsource some of the maintenance.
Please note that I’m not arguing that k8s is “the future”, in my opinion “the future” will change every couple of years and there will be new hype.
As of now k8s is outclassing containers competition.

In part 2 I will write how to spin up such cheap cluster.
