Two companies that I worked for recently used ECS (Elastic Container Service) as container orchestration tool.
If you have ever used it you know that it has somewhat limited observability out of the box.
You have two options to spin containers on ECS:

  • Fargate which is serveless container engine
  • EC2 instances managed by you and your team

With Fargate you don’t really need to have insights into infrastructure spinning containers, it’s serveless.
More robust and less expensive solution is to host your own fleet of EC2 instances that join ECS cluster. With that approach you need to manage them and know what’s going on there.

In this blog post I will outline possible prometheus integration with ECS using terraform. My main goal was to improve observability by introducing node monitoring with node-exporter + cadvisor and ingesting application metrics exposed by ephemeral containers.


As much as I love AWS, I’m not really a fan of CloudWatch. Using it as a monitoring system just for the sake of being Cloud Native doesn’t make much sense to me as it has issues and limitations. I guess some people think that CloudWatch is good because it’s made by AWS and works right off the bat.
Observabilty that it gives is not the best and the more you use it, the more problems you encounter. Let me just point out a couple of major issues for me:

  1. CloudWatch Alarms can’t monitor ephemeral things like EBS volumes Imagine an ASG which spins new instance that use EBS. You want to keep your alarms in terraform? No can do. Easiest approach would be Lambda triggered by CloudWatch Events that creates new alarms automatically. One can add alarm during bootstrapping but what about removing an alarm when instance dies? Lifecycle policy? What would be source of truth if somehow alarms get out of sync with what’s in AWS? One though cookie.
  2. Derivattive of 1. - CloudWatch alarm must monitor exactly one and only one metric. Not two, not three, not * wildcard, not regex.
  3. Dashboards are not easy to create, edit and don’t provide way for customization like grafana does with variables, annotations and other great features.
  4. Metrics Math looks pale in comparison with PromQL or NRQL
  5. Data is kept for limited amount of time and you cannot change that.
  6. Full observability with CloudWatch is expensive! It seems to be free but try to understand the pricing and you’ll see that cost quickly adds up.
  7. Containaers insights were added recently and I haven’t yet used them. If you did you can share in comments how does it compare to prometheus oriented observability.


I haven’t yet written about using prometheus as monitoring system and I definitely should. I have used it extensively during my work in Voxnes/Spreaker. It’s a great tool! Powerful, robust, scalable and really resilient.

Requirements for collecting metrics with prometheus in this PoC were to:

  • no changes to any existing application
  • infrastructure changes introduced by this PoC must be easy to revert
  • service discovery for ECS task that supports awsvpc network mode
    If you don’t know what awsvpc is then please refer to docs

First step for me was to enable node-exporter and cadvisor to collect metrics from the host. node-exporter gives a lot of insight into what’s happening on the host and cadvisor gives insight into containers layer. This duo greatly improves observability of infrastructure, especially in conjunction with grafana and alertmanager.

Second step would be adding side car containers exporting metrics for applications that somehow expose it’s metrics (API, files, etc). Such step don’t require any application changes so would be harmless and also easily revertible.

Third step would be modifying applications, wheter they’re written in Python, JavaScript or any other lanuage, to export metrics and ingesting them with prometheus. This is the step that requires indepth knowledge of applications and monitoring practices. If you have troubles with pinpointing best metrics to observe then start from golden signals and read Site Reliability Engineering in meanwhile.

I will write a blog post about how I use prometheus in my private K8S cluster, where it fits, best practices, some caveats and additional tools in ecosystem.


Disclaimer: Don’t expect prometheus with ECS SD to work in all types of environments.

Some SD mechanisms have rate limits that make them challenging to use. As an example we have unfortunately had to reject Amazon ECS service discovery due to the rate limits being so low that it would not be usable for anything beyond small setups.


Right, so let’s get to the point, terraform was used to easily setup PoC and tear it down when tests are finished. To separate prometheus from existing infrastructure it has it’s own ASG and ECS cluster. I configured module in a way to provide resiliency and setup prometheus in multiple AZs.

As it was PoC it’s not highly adjustible, some things like VPC subnets are actually hardcoded but hey, it’s not my fault :)

module "prometheus_us_west_2a" {
  source = ""

  name = "prometheus-us-west-2a"

  availability_zone                     = "us-west-2a"
  cloudmap_internal_id                  =
  domain                                = "domain"
  ecs_cluster_id                        = module.ecs_cluster.cluster_id
  ecs_cluster_private_security_group_id =
  instance_profile_name                 = module.ecs_profile_prometheus_us_west_2.instance_profile_name
  instance_role_name                    = module.ecs_profile_prometheus_us_west_2.instance_role_name
  region                                = "us-west-2"
  security_group_id_jump_host           =
  vpc_id                                = module.vpc.vpc_id
  vpc_subnets                           = module.vpc.private_subnets

There are multiple things that this module abstracts away. Let me iterate over them:

  • IAM permissions for EBS volumes so grafana and prometheus have persistent data
  • IAM permissions for S3 bucket in which config is stored
  • IAM permissions for ECS and EC2 service discovery
  • IAM permissions to register containers in CloudMap (this can be improved as now it’s AmazonRoute53FullAccess)
  • EBS volumes
  • ASG + LC with userdata file
  • ECS cluster + ECS service
  • SG
  • Configuration files on S3

Prometheus ECS task

Let me explain what’s deployed as our prometheus task.

    "image": "prom/prometheus:v2.14.0",
    "name": "prometheus",
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 9090,
        "hostPort": 9090,
        "protocol": "tcp"
    "command": [
    "image": "3h4x/prometheus-ecs-sd:v0.0.1",
    "name": "prometheus-ecs-discovery"
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 3000,
        "hostPort": 3000,
        "protocol": "tcp"
    "image": "grafana/grafana:6.4.4"
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 9093,
        "hostPort": 9093,
        "protocol": "tcp"
    "image": "prom/alertmanager:v0.19.0",
    "name": "alertmanager"

Click to see whole json

As you can see we deploy:

  • prometheus
  • alertmanager
  • grafana
  • prometheus-ecs-discovery

If you’re familiar with prometheus then there is nothing to explain with first three. Last one prometheus-ecs-discovery is key component for this setup. It’s an application (just few hundreds line of python code) that gets information about containers running in ECS and provide it in formats that prometheus is able to read. Additionally we need to configure prometheus so it know about this sd configuration with:

  - job_name: 'ecs'
    scrape_interval: 20s
      - files:
          # scrape tasks that are discovered every minute (default)
          - /etc/prometheus/1m-tasks.json
      - source_labels: [metrics_path]
        action: replace
        target_label: __metrics_path__
        regex: (.+)

If you want to know how the json looks like you can either try this setup or refer to docs.

Note: There are a couple of ecs-discovery apps but they didn’t support awsvpc network mode which was one of main requirements.

Ingesting metrics from node-exporter and cadvisor

For every ECS cluster that we want to monitor we have to deploy node-exporter and cadvisor. Because scheduling_strategy is set to DAEMON every node in a cluster will be monitored.

module "node_exporter" {
  source = ""

  ecs_cluster_name   = module.ecs_cluster.cluster_name
  ecs_security_group = module.ecs_cluster.security_group_id
module "cadvisor_exporter" {
  source = ""

  ecs_cluster_name   = module.ecs_cluster.cluster_name
  ecs_security_group = module.ecs_cluster.security_group_id

Enable scraping container metrics

Additionally we need to configure node-exporter, cadvisor and any other application task variables so ecs-discovery will know that we want to scrape it with prometheus.

    "environment": [
        "name": "PROMETHEUS",
        "value": "true"
        "name": "PROMETHEUS_PORT",
        "value": "${port}"

PROMETHEUS_PORT must be the same as port on which containers expose prometheus metrics.


Goal was to have prometheus on ECS and start collecting infrastructure and app metrics and I’m happy that my effort resulted in fully working PoC!

During this work I had a feeling that I’m reinventing the wheel. Deploying prometheus and it’s exporters on kubernetes is so much easier. I guess sometimes we have to deal with what we have even though better technology exist.

There are some things that could/should be improved like:

  • config shouldn’t be in S3 but because it’s in terraform I felt it was better to have it in one place.
  • some IAM permissions could be more strict
  • the bigger infrastructure on ECS is the more problems this setup would have but it’s PoC (wontfix)

Modules used in this blog posts are in repo publicly available
Feel free to use it but keep in mind that I won’t be developing it any more.
